Mail::Outlook needs some TLC

barbie on 2008-09-30T16:53:27

Over the past year I've had various requests for fixes or features to Mail::Outlook. Last week I implemented some patches that I could reasonably do and made a release. However, there are several features and fixes that still need looking into.

The problem is that I no longer develop on Windows and only have regular access to Linux distros. My laptop is dual booted with Windows XP, so potentially I could work on the distro at some point in time, but I can guarantee when.

Which leads me to the invitation that if there is anyone who wishes to take it over and help improve the distribution, please get in touch and I'll hand over maintainership.

When I first wrote the distribution several years ago, it was primarily used to help me access my CPAN Testers mailbox to queue which distribution uploads I should test next. Since then I've had a very regular flow of emails from users thanking me for writing the distribution, suggesting features, providing patches and even pointing out the bugs :) It would be nice to keep that flow going.

So if you develop on Windows, and possibly already use Mail::Outlook, and would like to help resolve all issues in the RT queue, please let me know.