YAPC::Europe 2008 Survey

barbie on 2008-08-17T17:04:35

Yesterday I sent out the invite mails for the YAPC::Europe 2008 Survey. In roughly 24 hours we already have 85 out of 284. Outstanding! Seeing as people are still in the process of returning home and unwinding, I expect there will be plenty more submissions this coming week.

Following a comment from one speaker, I wanted to follow up a point about the survey. Towards the end of the survey is some feedback regarding each talk. Although I was planning to share this feedack with the organisers (2008 & 2009), and the speakers of the respective talks, I wasn't intending that part of the survey to be public. Also keynotes were purposefully missed out.

I have also had some suggestions to improve the survey for next year, which I'm planning on doing, if next year's organisers would like me to.

This year's survey will close at midnight 30th October 2008, and I'll try and get the data to the appropriate people as soon as possible after that. Hopefully the followup reports will be published soon after.

Re: survey

Abigail on 2008-08-19T13:54:37

I've filled out the survey, and submitted it. However, there's one subject I want to write a longer criticism about; too long to do it in a text box. What would be the appropriate email address to send it to?

Re: survey

barbie on 2008-08-19T17:01:24

You can send thoughts and ideas for improvements to my barbie [at] missbarbell.co.uk address. I've had a few already, so hopefully I can improve the whole thing for next year.

That goes for any other survey participants reading this too. If you have thoughts for improving anything with the survey, I would be delighted to hear them. I might not be able to implement them all, but I can always add them to a todo list :)