CPAN Testers Reports

barbie on 2008-06-25T09:46:02

A couple of weeks ago, Léon emailed me and suggested I take over the code that runs the CPAN Testers reports website, which he has been running for several years. As he hasn't done a lot with it recently, he felt I was more likely to take on more active development. Although I do have some ideas to add some integration to the other related sites that have surfaced in the last year, it seems that several others also have ideas to improve functionality too. So far I've had conversations with Gabor, Adam and Yuval about the future of the site, and they have several ideas to help authors and users get more out of the site.

So, expect some additional functionality to the site in the coming months, and if you have any suggestions for the site, please feel free to email me. Although, I should note I'm *not* planning to change the colour scheme any time soon.

Many thanks to Léon for keeping the site going all these years, and also for getting me involved with CPAN Testers in the first place :)

Speedy refresh of tester reports

Burak on 2008-06-26T12:31:41

The report lists in the site seems to be refreshed once a day if I'm not wrong. I think it'll be nice to have an up to date version in a couple of hours. I can see if I have pass/fail/na in the page but cpantesters display this info and links to the emails too late I think.

Re:Speedy refresh of tester reports

barbie on 2008-06-26T13:07:52

Increasing the rebuild rate is not an option at the moment, as everything is rebuilt. This may change in the future to rebuild only those pages that need rebuilding, but for now a daily update will suffice.

I'm not sure how Graham gets his figures for the search.cpan listings, but thought it was from the same DB that generates the reports pages. I guess not if there are differences.

However, I think what you're really asking for is a dedicated feed that refreshes hourly, which may be a more reasonable request to do. I'll add it to the wishlist :)

Re:Speedy refresh of tester reports

Burak on 2008-06-27T08:39:12

That'd be good, thanks :)