The Doors Are Closed

barbie on 2008-05-19T10:26:34

This morning has mostly been spent updating all my Debian and Ubuntu boxes, and regenerating all my ssh keys. I feel all renewed now!

Wasn't it fun!

sigzero on 2008-05-19T13:16:49

I think we have about 34 machines we had to do that with.

Re:Wasn't it fun!

ajt on 2008-05-19T14:13:55

Thankfully I only had seven machines and one of them was virtual. All of them were patched within 24 hours, just one of them had to wait a few days before it was patched (as it's not on often). I also only had a few vulnerable keys so not too bad, though I took the opportunity to generate new 2048 bit RSA keys to replace the older 1024 bit RSA keys.

It created quite a stir in the Debian community. As annoying and potentially destructive as has been, it helps to remind people that even the best make errors and you do need constant vigilance to stay safe.

How people with inferior software put up with "Patch Tuesday" I'll never know, patch'08 was bad enough for me...