CPAN Testers Stats - April Update - Rise Of The Machines

barbie on 2008-05-06T17:11:55

CPAN Testers Statistics

Not to be out done after last month, Chris has once again stepped up his testing, with Andreas closely following his heels. Slaven has also dramatically ramped up his testing, and the top 3 testers are now producing over 20,000 reports more than their nearest rivals. The totals didn't quite beat last month's records, but it was still a phenomenal month nonetheless.

After suggestions from several people, I revised the graphs of the Graphs page. Using the Google Chart API (as suggested by simonm), I managed to generate some better graphs, however, with the extreme values in the data and the large amount of data, the first attempts resulted in errors. As such the main graph is now only for the uploads, reports and passes, while the last graph now lists all the non-pass results. The presentation is much better than the previous attempts with GD and I've been quite impressed with the Chart API. I might start looking at some other forms of the charts in the coming months.

Earle also suggested I sort out the numbering in the matrices, which seemed a reasonable requested, so I've also fixed that too :)

Following my half yearly request to unknown testers, I received 8 responses, which have been added to the addresses list, together with 20 further address additions, 3 of which are from new testers. There are still a large number of testers who are unknown, so hopefully they'll get around to responding in the next month.

In other news my talk submission for YAPC::NA has been accepted. Once again I'll be talking about How To Be A CPAN Tester, which will be based on last year's talk, but with all the updates happening over the last few months, should include quite a lot of news for future changes.