Test-CPAN-Meta now on CPAN

barbie on 2008-01-11T09:37:29

Following Adam's post about his new Parse-CPAN-Meta distribution, I looked at converting Test-YAML-Meta to use it, and have now released Test-CPAN-Meta.

Originally the intention was to release the latter and remove the former, but in retrospect it's probably worth having both. For a low hit the Parse-CPAN-Meta is probably going to be enough for most CPAN authors if they choose to use it, but if you want the full guarantee then Test-YAML-Meta will use the full YAML or YAML-Syck distributions. Currently the Parse-CPAN-Meta parses all the META.yml 1.3 spec test cases I have, so although the YAML-Tiny spec may not cover the complete YAML spec, it does cover enough to sufficiently parse the CPAN Meta.yml files. Feel free to suggest further test cases if you think they will test the spec appropriately.