CPAN Testers Stats - November Update

barbie on 2007-12-12T10:19:02

Sorry for the delay in getting the stats site update this month, for various reasons I've been busy with other things and unfortunately the stats update has been a lower priority. I'm looking at updating the code at the moment to speed the process up and hopefully automate the site updates on a more regular basis.

19 new mappings, including 7 new testers this month, so welcome to you guys and thanks for getting involved. After our dramtic rise in testers over the last couple of months, unfortunately that number has dropped back again slightly this month. I would also like to thank, once again the testers who include their name or tag, that helps me to identify them. Many are new testers who aren't CPAN authors, so it makes my life a lot easier. Chris once again breaks his monthly record for most reports in a month with over 32,000 reports. After an early lead at the beginning of the month, I was hoping Andreas might finally take top spot for the month ... just to give Chris a bit of competition :) All the top ten testers have stepped up their testing this month, with all of them submitting over 1,000 reports, so a big thanks to them and all the CPAN Testers for taking the time to test and submitting their reports. 55 different perls got tested last month, which is the highest we've ever had. Although it should be noted that the rise was mostly due to the different patch versions. I'm considering folding those into the main release, as the CPAN Testers results site does this.

If you want to get involved in CPAN Testing, please checkout the CPAN Testers Wiki for details of how to set things up. You can also join the CPAN Testers Discussion mailing list if you need any further advice or if you have any suggestions for improving the tools or resources.

Damn, I knew this would happen

BinGOs on 2007-12-12T11:18:05

I thought I'd have a go at POEifying the script to speed up the retrieval from NNTP and the insertion to the database.

I just get the script finished and check here and you've done the November stats!

It's like magic or something >:)

I concur with the merging of the patch versions, it makes some of the report pages really ugly having them separate.

Re:Damn, I knew this would happen

barbie on 2007-12-13T09:49:32 isn't the problem, it's verifying the stats and checking that nothing has been missed or anything invalid has got in. I'm rewriting that part and I'll put in the patch merge for the website next month.

One noticable improvement

Alias on 2007-12-12T23:34:01

One thing I see in the stats that correlates (for me at least) in practice is the addition of reliable 5.6.2 coverage.

It's uncovered a whole ton of bugs in several of my modules.