Conference Videos

barbie on 2007-12-09T12:47:58

Over the last year I've managed to video a notable amount of talks from conferences, workshops and technical meetings. After getting permission from the presenters I'm pleased to be able to finally launch most of them. There are still some presenters I've not had a response from, so if they suddenly discover they are listed but not linked on the site, hopefully they'll get in touch and let me know whether I can release them. To all the presenters who have kindly allowed me to release their presentations, thank you very much.

There are still several videos I need to work on from technical meetings and the London Perl Workshop, so expect an update in the new year.

In the meantime ... Enjoy.

Mine are fine...

JonathanWorthington on 2007-12-10T00:15:00


Not sure if you had out of date contact info or I just missed the email or a SPAM filter ate it whole. But feel free to make the one of mine that I see on there available.


Re:Mine are fine...

barbie on 2007-12-10T08:09:27

Thanks Jonathan, I'll update it later today :)