London Perl Workshop Photos

barbie on 2007-12-03T12:11:08

This weekend several members of headed to London for the London Perl Workshop. Several of us met up in the evening at The Penderel's Oak pub in High Holburn for pre-workshop hellos, beer and food. On Saturday the workshop started with a great keynote by Tim Bunce, featured a Teach-In by Dave Cross and two further tracks of talks. Unfortunately Dom Mitchell and myself got stuck in a lift and ended up missing all the afternoon lightning talks, but despite this, it was a great day of talks and discussion. Aside from photos, I have several videos from the event and will be putting them online as soon as I have some time to edit them. In the meantime, enjoy the photo albums now available:

Very pleasant though

Dom2 on 2007-12-03T21:07:36

I couldn't think of a nicer person to spend an hour in a lift with, though! Thanks for putting up with me.


Re:Very pleasant though

barbie on 2007-12-04T10:27:06

Likewise :)

Next time I'll bring a pack of cards ;) Although it didn't feel like over an hour, I only know it was because we missed the afternoon lightning talks :(


jns on 2007-12-04T10:22:58

If we'd known we'd have taken bets on who was most likely to have eaten the other one :-)


barbie on 2007-12-04T10:29:38

We'd both just come out of Subway across the road with foot long subs, so it would have been quite a long time before we got that desperate. Missing beer would have been a much higher concern before missing food ;)