More Bent than Twisted

barbie on 2007-09-20T10:03:12

I've been asked to set up a python application, which uses Twisted. The documents all list examples of code and how to write twisted applications, however for someone who is new to all this, there is a glaring flaw in all the documentation I can find. How the **** do you run it? Code examples are only useful if you can actually use them, having no examples of what the command lines are, to actually get the thing to work, makes the whole venture totally useless. Maybe there is something that all python programmers known about running this sort of thing (note 'python' doesn't work either), but it would really help those of us who have no experience to give us some pointers.

It would seem the link Success Stories, that I found at Twisted Matrix Labratories, says it all!

I wish I could show you the short program I'm currently setting up, as although I know what it's supposed to do, the python code reads like a Java program. There is so much stuff going on behind the scenes, that it makes it extremely difficult for someone new to it all to actually understand what's going on. At least with C and Perl, everything is there for you. Even if there are implementation details hidden in a library, there is a library call (a new() at least) to give you an indication of how they are connected, and how the program flows. So far I've not seen anything to change my mind that (despite the derision from non-Perl programmers) Python can be just as unreadable as Perl, if not more so.

As a consequence I'm planning to look to see whether POE can better implement what this application is trying to do, as there are many more Perl progammers here than Python programmers. If I have to pass it on in the future, there is more chance it'll get worked on and improved if it's written in Perl too.

Have you tried the twisted community?

Limbic Region on 2007-09-20T11:37:13

It mentions #twisted, #twisted.web on for instance

Re:Have you tried the twisted community?

barbie on 2007-09-20T13:31:06

I don't do IRC unfortunately, but thanks for the thought :)

It seems there is a 'twistd -oy' commandline call that needs to be made. I finally found it hidden away in a mailing list! At least perl programmers seem better at writing documentation.