Mail Outage

barbie on 2007-08-22T22:47:50

It would seem my routing ISP is suffering again. It's a pain as I've been having a few private and mailing list conversations this week and suddenly they all dried up this morning. As a blanket announcement, if anyone wanted to get in touch in the short term you can use my account. I've been meaning to turn that account off for sometime, it's just as well I haven't got around to it :)

I wonder if this is a yearly thing, as this has been happening roughly around this time for the past few years. I really must get around to properly setting up my own mail server.


drhyde on 2007-08-23T11:35:39

I recommend bytemark for your mail sewer. I also keep a few other shell accounts around so I can at least send email if they ever have an outage. is good.


barbie on 2007-08-23T12:22:09

I'm currently setting up exim on my server at the moment :) I've also got access to a Bytemark server so that may be the backup plan :)

Since NicNames got bought out the service levels have just gone down hill. I'm now planning to move all my other domains across to, as they are local (Worcester, I practically pass it on the way to work every day!) and have 3 mail servers as opposed to the 1 I have with EasySpace.

I suppose I could go with a certain major mail security provider, but I'm not sure I could persuade them that it's a test account and get it for free :)