CPAN Testers BOF @ YAPC::Europe, Vienna

barbie on 2007-08-07T13:02:36

Dave emailed me suggesting I do a CPAN Testers BOF in Vienna for YAPC::Europe. Seeing as he hadn't already seen the page I created several months ago, I wondered whether it needed a bit more publicity. The CPAN Testers BOF I did at YAPC::NA seemed to go down well, and although I haven't been able to instigate a few of the suggestions from Houston, I'm hoping that together with any more from Vienna there will be plenty to plan with to improve CPAN Testers and the toolkits.

If you're going to Vienna for YAPC::Europe and are interested in CPAN Testing, signup today. You know it makes sense!

I'll arrange a date and time nearer the conference, once I figure out other BOFs and meetings I need to attend to as well.