A Special CPAN Testers Launch

barbie on 2007-06-25T20:13:55

Today I did the "How To be A CPAN Tester" talk at YAPC::NA. During the talk I hinted, as I've done previously here, that there was something that David and I were planning to launch to the Perl community during the talk. Unfortunately David wasn't able to make it, but we did manage to collaborate on the slides and I think the talk went down well. Rather than getting in too deep, the talk covered enough to get people interested. However, to get more information previously was a bit difficult, which brings me to the launch.

After several months of thinking about it and several years prior to that when I shoud have thought about it, we're finally launching....

The CPAN Testers Wiki

The site is the culmination of suggestions from David Centrell, Chris Williams, David Golden and myself to better provide an explanation of what CPAN Testers was and how to get involved. The Wiki is meant as a way for that to evolve, so that as tools and techniques improve, so can new users get involved a lot quicker, without first struggling to understand what they need to do or install before they can even start.

If you're a CPAN Tester, please take the time to take a look around the site and update anything you think might be important to include. The site will evolve over time, so although I've tried to include as much as I can to begin with, it is far from complete. Please free to contribute and help make the site a worthy resource for CPAN Testers.

Incidentally this post also marks my 500th journal entry to use.perl. It's only taken me 7 years :)


Alias on 2007-06-26T01:18:03

You had my hopes up for a HTTP-transport auto-configuring zero-conf CPAN::Reporter :(


barbie on 2007-06-26T02:54:06

And tomorrow I'll be announcing .....


Alias on 2007-06-26T04:26:00



chorny on 2007-06-26T07:47:35

I'm writing now second version of server for my implementation of http test reporting. It will store results and allow basic reports on data.


drhyde on 2007-06-26T22:22:47

Thankyou for setting this up. I'll give you a big wet slobbery kiss at YAPC::Europe!

I've written up my CPAN::Reporter smoke-testing HOWTO. Sanity^WCorrectness checking would be most welcome.