[yapcna] The Fear Begins

barbie on 2007-06-22T11:49:23

I started reviewing my talks this week for YAPC::NA, and even did a lot of packing last night. I feel like I'm just killing time a little today.

My phrasebook talk is pretty stable these days, so I'm not too worried about that. I presented the first draft of the Preparing for CPAN talk to Birmingham.pm and discovered I was about 15-20mins too long! I've cut several slides and simplified some others, so I'm hoping that will be enough. However, my biggest worry is How To Be A CPAN Tester.

When I originally submitted the talk I was planning to just talk about YACSmoke and a few other related items. However, David Golden was also thinking about submitting a talk about CPAN::Reporter. It made sense to do a joint talk, so we didn't repeat each other, and gave the audience the benefit of having 2 key developers for the testers infrastructure to fire questions at. Unfortunately, David isn't going to be able to make the conference now, due to other commitments, so I have to cover his slides too now. It's a daunting task, as I haven't used CPAN::Reporter, so I just hope I do him justice. There will be a CPAN Testers BOF at some point afterwards, where I hope to discuss with current testers what they want see improved and to encourage potential testers to get involved.

Also during the talk there will be a something of an announcement about CPAN Testers. Something that has been a long time overdue, but finally it's ready for the world. You'll have to wait for the talk to find out more :)

If you're coming along to any of the talks, please be kind. I managed to volunteer for around 4 hours of presentations ... I'm hoping I survive :)

I'm also helping out with the YAPC BOF, and if you're thinking about hosting a YAPC conference, then please come along and hopefully we can give you some pointers.


sigzero on 2007-06-24T19:44:44

I am sure you will do great. I use D::P in a couple of production applications of mine.