Introducing CovLUG to Perl

barbie on 2006-11-21T14:39:25

Tonight I'll be the guest speaker at Coventry Linux Users Group. They've asked me to do an introduction to Perl and CPAN. I've dusted off and considerably updated the talk I gave to South Birmingham LUG a couple of years ago. It's been interesting to reread the talk as several things have changed in the last two years.

Originally I was going to do this talk for the folks in Coventry earlier in the year, when I was going to promote the YAPC::Europe conference a bit. Unfortunately they had to reschedule, so I've missed that opportunity, but I am still hoping I might be able to recruit one or two into Afterall we're only a few miles down the A45 :)


Ovid on 2006-11-21T14:44:59

And while we're at it, I never thanked you for having me down for the lexing talk. That was a lot of fun. I'm just sorry I had to run off so soon afterward.


barbie on 2006-11-21T15:31:03

Thanks for taking the time to come and talk to us. I had a good night, and I know several others have commented that they really enjoyed the talks too.