This morning we got a call from to say that Maddison (my god-daughter) had come down with chicken-pox. It's seems it's been doing the rounds of nursery, but the worrying thing is that her mum, Lynsey, is pregnant. After the phone call DanDan was asking what chicken-pox was and Nicole told him that everyone gets it. I had to correct her, as (at least so far) myself, my brother and my sister have never had it. We've been in contact with plenty of people over the years and never caught it. My mum has always put it down to the fact that she suffered a very bad bout of chicken-pox when she was young, and that she must have passed on some very resilient antibodies.
I've just had a phone call from Nicole with the news that DanDan has now got chicken-pox. He'd been trying to wipe his face this morning, and complained that he couldn't get rid of a red mark. Nicole took a closer look and then looked at his tummy to find several scattered across him. I didn't notice any on Ethne this morning, but she might be the lucky one and have got more of my antibodies. Mind you it might explain why DanDan was in a whingy whiney mood all weekend :)