Calling All The Heroes

barbie on 2006-04-14T08:52:33

Following the call for speakers, the organisers were most impressed by the speed of submission by one speaker, Stray Toaster, who sent us his summary within 5 minutes of the call for papers going out!

With Marc's submitted talk being of such high quality, it'll be interesting to see whether anyone can better it. It's certainly at the top of our list of talks we hope to accept. Okay so it's the only one on the list at the moment, just don't tell Marc, we don't want to deflate his ego now do we ;)

We're looking forward to recieving many more proposals in the forthcoming weeks. We will be letting everyone, who submits a talk, know whether their talk has been accepted or not, as soon after June 2nd as we can. As with previous years, we are hoping that some speakers will allow us to use their talk submissions as backups if we become inundated, so please feel free to submit as many talks as you want. We'll try and accommodate every single potential speaker (and every single talk) if we can. Seeing as we have several rooms available to us, it may well be possible.

We're quite keen to also have workshop tutorials submitted, so if you can think of one suitable, please feel free to submit it. We'd like to encourage all ranges of talk topics, although obviously anything discussing accessibility, whatever that may mean to you, will be looked on very favourably.

For those that have seen the (complete) announcement, will also note that we are putting out a call for "stuff". There are several items that make up the conference pack, as well as the conference experience, that some potential sponsors may be able to help us with. To begin with, if your company would be able to provide lanyards or bags, then ask them to get in touch with us. It all helps us to keep the costs down and that includes your attendance fees too :)

So don't forget, June 2nd isn't too long away, so get those submissions in :)