I have the okay to attend YAPC::NA, providing I speak. Seeing as I have now have the flight booked and have registered, I better make sure I am speaking ... even if its in the corridor :) I have a talk I'm putting together for Braga, so that was definitely on the cards. However, as a backup plan, I thought it worthwhile submitting another talk. I now have another outlined called 'Preparing for CPAN', which was inspired by events of this weekend.
Over the weekend I wanted to look at my collection of CPAN modules in relation to the CPANTS project. I was surprised to discover that for a few releases, I'd missed vital test files (at least for me) among some other kwalitee items. Introducing those test files, I discovered there were a couple of POD changes that could do with updating, along with other updates for README and like.
Having been in the throes of installing lots of CPAN modules onto my newly installed Ubuntu laptop, I finally managed to get a clean install of Devel::Cover. I started to look at what tests were missing. There were quite a few as it turned out, so I set about getting 100% coverage. I've still a way to go, but I have made significant progress.
I also finally got around to looking at the Outlook problem that has surfaced on occasions. It's not just me, as several others have fallen foul of not reliably checking to see whether external libraries and applications are installed. So I set about writing some detection tests and associated skips.
Yesterday evening I realised that some of this would be really good to impart on CPAN authors, who either had been experiencing failure reports or were new to CPAN, and wanted to know the sort of hints and tips they could watch out for. So now I had another idea for a talk.
I now have 5 talks to write between now and June. Most for either work or techincal meetings. But by the looks of things I might even have a wealth to choose from to submit for Braga now. Which is good. Now I just need to write them :)