A fresh approach to Perldoc

barbie on 2004-11-14T20:12:16

A couple of weeks ago, JJ from Birmingham.pm was taken rather ill. As a consequnce of an enforced R&R for two weeks he decided to have a tinker.

He came up with A Different Perldoc

Its different for a few reasons but mostly as it can create nice PDFs for you, using JJ's own unique little script that translates POD to PDF, and can include images too. He also has a handy little bookmark feature written in Javascript.

The original idea for this was to include it on the conference CD for when Birmingham.pm host the YAPC:Europe Perl Conference. However, after unveiling it to the group on Wednesday at our recent social meeting, we couldn't really keep it under wraps. So have a look, have a play and let JJ know what you think.


schwern on 2004-11-15T04:32:50

I like the organization of the pages better than perldoc.com. Though not so happy about the narrower viewing area due to the bar on the left.

I mentioned it on p5p.


jj on 2004-11-15T23:38:14

Thanks, I'll make the sidebars collapsible in the next version.
