Brum Tech Talk

barbie on 2004-02-26T18:22:14

Last night had their regular technical talk. Details are here if anyone is interested. We covered a variety of interests from perl code, through testing modules, GUIs in Perl and interfacing to auction sites from Perl.

The latter was my The Perl Auctioneer talk. It originally started life as a replacement to AuctionPal, but I never quite finished it. Since forgetting about it for awhile, WWW::Mechanize and Template::Extract have appeared and have made my life much easier. I've rewritten the code and it feels alot nicer to play with.

Now that I've presented a preliminary talk to the group, I've had some interesting feedback already. Once I've implemented those and finished (and released hopefully) the code, I'll be adding more to the talk. Seeing as this year's theme of YAPC::Europe::2004 is 'Perl For Profit', I reckon it'll be quite a suitable choice of talk.

Now to finish that code....