Just noted that a "Design classic that entranced kids" is featured on the BBC site.
If you are British, and between the ages of 33 and 45, it is not unlikely that you had a childhood haunted by longing for a Chopper bike.
For me ... s/longing for/accidents on/ ... is more appropriate. I never had one, but several of my mates did. Due to the cow-horn style handlebars it was all too easy to come a cropper on a chopper. The extra drop to the crossbar could be quite painful too. Ouch.
Chopper madness infected Australia in pretty much the same way as described in the link: but all the examples that I saw here during the early seventies were a more menacing **orange**, and not the wussy light blue as pictured. Aah, here we go...
(They were also remarkably skittish beasts; but, boy, that gearstick was something.)