Cease & Desist update

barbie on 2003-11-28T17:41:04

I wasn't very kind in my update to my site recently, following a "remove all mention of $company" statement from the company bod. Company bod has since responded denying he said that, and that he did not mean they were denying my work. I've asked him to reword future emails so it cannot be misconstrued. I shall be updating the text to be less imflammatory, but I shall not be looking at the company in the same favourable light again.

I get the impression they think I'm a web designer and was referring to the graphic design when I said I was part of the design team for the site. I did indeed have a part to play in the graphic design (a very minor role though), but mine was much more a complete system design role rather than anything else. It looks like they are even still using part of my database design. Still I'm glad I can still mention the work I did without it coming to blows.

Update: After pointing out the inaccuracies of their recent emails, the company have now retracted their statement and apologised. Hopefully they'll learn not to go in all guns blazing in the future.