GeekCruise 2004

barbie on 2003-11-20T09:54:24

Dave Cross sent an email to the list the other day, about next year's GeekCruise. Half joking I sent it to our resource manager, saying it would be a great educational experience.

On Tuesday night the CTO and CTA took development out for a drink. I was surprised the CTA had been told about the cruise and had thought it a good idea. Apparently it's cheap enough to be part of the training budget. I was persuaded to tell the CTO all about it too, who response was 'go for it'. Seeing as there are group discounts, a few of us could be jaunting round the Mediterranean next October :)

I am just so envious

htoug on 2003-11-20T13:54:40 I have to write a 2 page memo detailing the hows and whys before being allowed abroad. I daren't even think of applying for the GeekCruise.

Of course this is mainly because I work for a trade union, and the leadership is very concious about not doing anything that even resembles misuse of the members money, eg sending employees (me, me! I want) on a week-long cruise on the sunny Mediterranian - even if it is quite sensible and cheap.

But I would love to go - and have a nice trip.