Always check the changes!

barbie on 2003-09-10T08:15:52

I decided to try an install CPANPLUS in an effort to contribute to the CPAN Testing Service. Along the way Test::Reporter needed to be installed. Unfortunately on the box at home (Win98) it hung. On closer inspection it was down to a PATH problem. However, the line it stopped on confused me. It was trying to run pl2bat inside a system command from within Perl. Thinking this was pretty wasteful of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, I was going to post a query on it. Then checking through the Changes file I notice v6.15 had already dealt with this problem.

The other day a colleage was baffled by a curious bug in Text::Balanced. I nearly got to posting a query again, and thought to check the changes. Sure enough v1.95 fixed the exact bug he'd been experiencing.

In future I think I'll be checking the Changes file a lot more often :)