So I managed to get to Paris Plage, for what it was worth. Didn't see any sand though. Got to see the leaders (plus the pre-cession before them) of the Tour de France. Quite an event by all accounts, but not something I pay much attention to at home. Met up with JJ back at the hotel and headed for the Airport. Got stopped and asked to take of my boots off (steel toe-caps you see, for safety of course) and got through the checkpoint. They must be used to laptops and the like now, as I didn't get any hassle this time around.
Met another Birmingham Perl programmer, who had attended the conference, although not as a member of a User Group. We planned a bit of recruitment, seeing as he and his wife work at Birmingham University, so we might be able to get some students along to meetings. Well here's hoping anyway.
Flight was delayed by just 5 minutes, and we were still back in Birmingham on time. In fact from leaving the tarmac at CDG to putting the key in my front door was just over 90 minutes. Colour me impressed. Now to relax and look forward to next year :)