Day 216 (r7372): Pugs, Cabalized!

autrijus on 2005-10-07T02:59:09

No, this Cabal is not @Larry, but rather the Haskell Cabal, the equivalent of Module::Build. After lots of overtime hacking today, Pugs is finally built using cabal, thus exposing Pugs as a library to other Haskell users:

import Pugs
main = doRun "-" [] "say 'Hello, World!'"

Aside from the obvious application to hIDE and other script-haskell-with-perl6 uses, this also makes Inline::Pugs and Inline::GHC much nearer in sight, which is a Good News for people who'd like to mix perl6 code with perl5. Of course, it can't replace the seamlessness of the Pugs/Perl5 runtime, but TIMTOWTDI.

#perl6 is unusually lively today under the -Opun (optimize for pun) banner; again, I blame Why. And yes, I'm quite aware that we are the only bunch of people who use EigenClass seriously, but it fits in right alongside names such as Psyche, Pneuma and Chaos. Parodies do find a way into real life...

Prompted by his righteousness as a debian packager, rafl undertook the massive job of reorganizing the modules/ and perl5/ directory into the installable (and eventually CPANable) perl5/, and the for-your-information-only misc/. Hurray!

gaal finished triaging the failing tests, eliminating the t/ ones, so we only have some 100 of ext/ ones to worry about tomorrow. There are a bunch of other developments today, but I can't keep up anymore. See you after a much deserved sleep. :)


sigzero on 2005-10-07T12:07:26

How do you pronounce your first name?

Re:Pronuniciation? [sic]

VSarkiss on 2005-10-07T14:01:35

You can hear him say it in the movie.

Re:Pronuniciation? [sic]

sigzero on 2005-10-07T15:31:14

Ah cool!