Day 246: Travelling.

autrijus on 2005-10-01T21:19:10

Finally got some semblance of internet access now, and I'm ready to crash, so more detailed journal and commits will need to wait till tomorrow.

On the road I studied EHC and its way of using attribute grammars to illustrate separate concerns of compiler aspects is commendable. Haskell's type classes can implement synthethized (upward) attributes easily, but inherited (downward) attributes require a reverse-case, and AGs seem to be a better way to write them.

I also started coding Pugs.Class.Chaos, Pugs.Class.Pneuma, and the rest of the metamodel bootstrap. Doing this has made the migration plan somewhat clearer -- instead of migrating the internal language, the compiler and the runcore in a swift run, I'll instead realize the object runcore in a more modular manner, and replace upstream components as I go. More details tomorrow...


Stevan on 2005-10-02T02:04:59

I am very excited to see what the meta-model looks like in Haskell!! And even more exicited to see it work with real Perl 6 code!!

autrijus++ # as always

- Stevan