Day 230: My CUFP Talk...

autrijus on 2005-09-25T09:38:05

...was very well received. The other talks in CUFP were very interesting too.

Talked with David Roundy about the svk-darcs isomorphism, and learned how to use darcs tags to simulate svk merge points and improve on two-way mirroring.

Daan's Morrow language is quite inspiring, especially due to its use of UUAG. I learned attributive grammars from the TMR article, and was happily surprised that @Larry seemed to be in favor of adopting AG as part of Perl 6's self-host compilation.

I'm totally sold to the Takahashi method for presentation. It takes 3x time to prepare but is worth it. The slides are available online as odp, pdf, swf and ppt. Enjoy!

Takahashi say what?

Alias on 2005-09-26T09:13:13

What is this method of which you speak... is there an English translation of the Japanese version?

Re:Takahashi say what?

autrijus on 2005-09-26T11:56:50

No.... A summary would be: Few words on each slide, each slide zoomed to fullest.

Re:Takahashi say what?

vjo on 2005-10-02T17:00:13

> Few words on each slide, each slide zoomed to fullest.

What is the advantage to this?

Side note: I just saw MJDs "Conference Presentation Judo". It is available here (even as .mov)

Re:Takahashi say what?

autrijus on 2005-10-03T17:53:20

I followed the Judo way for many years, and has just recently switched to Takahashi.

I think Takahashi exemplifies the getting point across attitude, instead of the transmitting maximum information attitude. I think Judo still makes sense for tutorial, where indeed you want to transmit working knowledge -- but for 45-minute talks Takahashi is perhaps better suited, as it leaves little room for distraction.

Twice I heave heard Lawrence Lessig giving the Takahashi style of talks, except he did not maximize the font for the full effect, but the idea is the same.

yum slides

vijucat on 2005-09-28T03:25:09

yow mama! Can you please reveal to the world how you make those sexy diagrams as on slides 56 and 43 of the PDF?

One guesses that Spork has something to do with the final output, but the meat of the matter is?

Re:yum slides

autrijus on 2005-09-28T11:49:17

They are part of the Visiolization efforts for Pugs, produced by -- you guessed it -- Visio, with the excellent Nuvola icon set.

And this is the first time in ages I used something other than Spork, because I didn't have time to implement Spork::Takahashi. It's all handled by OOo Impress.

Re:yum slides

vijucat on 2005-10-17T07:36:24

Thanks! The black background and the Nuvola icons look great.