Day 221 (r7023): More updates from lambdacamels.

autrijus on 2005-09-15T18:03:39


Reminded by gaal's t/pugsbugs/value_alias_readonly.t, iblech fixed .values and .kv on hashes and arrays to return aliases.

This means that %hash.kv[1]++ or @array.kv[1]++ modifies %hash or @array respectively. Additionally, the tests of .kv and .pairs were appropriately improved.


Some basic work on Roles was done, and several new tests added for this. Mostly just getting the basic Role object working as expected. Next step is to do Role compositing and Role consumption by Classes.

cperl6-mode (Perl code editing commands for (X)Emacs)

Many new keywords/builtins, much better indentation, better working of parameterized rx// modifiers, highlighting of sub prototypes, non-parenthesized conditions for most statements, more Perl6'ish sigil interpretation, dedicated "Pugs" style for pugs::hack code conventions.


nothingmuch checked in the experimental Blondie language.

Blondie is a dumb intermediate language and a compiler collection for the purpose of demonstrating an approach to compilation. It has no syntax, only an abstract syntax tree, and some very simple operations.