Day 178 (r5932): QuickChecking PIL.

autrijus on 2005-07-31T18:16:31

Today I finally put the QuickCheck technology to use, having it generate a large number of PIL expressions and check that invariants hold.

For example, this property declares that untie() accepts any lvalue arguments:

prop_untie :: LV -> Bool
prop_untie x = try_ok (Untie x)

Based on the type signature, when I type test prop_untie in the ghci prompt, QuickCheck will generate 100 of random expressions that can evaluate to a lvalue, run them through Untie, and check that all of them succeeds.

I am gradually converting hand-crafted unit tests into this kind of invariant-based tests. This process prompted me to see the language in a different light: not as a black box with external expectations defined by individual unit tests, but rather a well-behaved system with invariant properties. Of course, such verifiable specification is still not as good as a proof -- but it is much more cheap and cheerful than other test methodologies that I know of.

During the quick checking, a question arises: what is the meaning of untie(&say)? Perl 5 does not have this problem, as &say is a function call there -- you cannot address a function by name. In Perl 6, it seems to me that my &foo is merely a constrained version of scalar variable my Code $foo, and &foo = sub { ... } should work as usual. I have brought this to p6l for discussion.

iblech and I also noticed that function parameter binding and normal variable binding are symmetric:

    sub f ($a, $b) {
        return (c => $a, d => $b)
    ($c, $d) := f(a => $a, b => $b);

Currently the return side is not specified to observe the same rich binding semantics as the parameter side; moreover, named return values are not expressible. We think that it makes sense to unify both representations into the same binding form.

Finally, I have posted a preliminary solution to the dreaded $x = $x + my $x if $x; problem that haunted us during the hackathon. Enjoy!

PIL2JS passes 57.07% of the testsuite :)

iblech on 2005-07-31T18:54:16

The new smoke is online [r5930] (compare with r5904), showing that PIL2JS passes 57.07% of Pugs' testsuite, with 28 unexpected successes. :)

You can also browse the testsuite, compiled to JS.

FYI, compiling the whole suite to JS took 5min 40s; compiling and running using Spidermonkey's bin/js took 29min (with -j1).

Test failures are mainly due to

  • &eval, of course, not working,
  • missing implementation of builtins,
  • regexps not (yet) working, and
  • Stevan's MetaModel for JS not being integrated yet.
