Day 156: Back to release engineering.

autrijus on 2005-07-09T16:18:41

My window of waking-hour-per-day finally bounced back to 8 today, so I repaired user-defined operators, worked with Limbic_Region to fix the spaceship parsing test, and resumed working on precompiled prelude (i.e. pugscc). That should be the last showstopper for 6.2.8.

After that, I'll refocus on PIL generation and incoporating the metamodel; once both are ready (which may take several releases), I think the OO core would be solid enough to call it 6.28.0.

I've also spent much time thinking about what to do next, when the six-month sabbatical ends next month. I'd still like to keep as much time working on Pugs as possible, but that would mean sacrificing much Real Life plans and offers. Choices choices... :-)