Day 155: Polymorphic Existential Recursive Lambdas.

autrijus on 2005-07-08T14:31:08

As I'm going through my hackathon notes today, I remembered this new backronym for "Perl" I coined; lwall said he likes it, and for me it does summarize some of Perl 6's unifying designs that set it apart.

I really wish I can get out from this caffeine withdrawal and resume my daily summary of Pugs developments, as much exciting is happening, including a new DateTime::Set library that handles spans and recurrences, further solidified metamodel code and the beginning of S12.5: Metamodel. Dialogs such as this on #perl6 amuses me:

 heyla, nothingmuch
 stevan told me about your crazy P6 plans
 which crazy plans? I have several =)
 aren't you involved in the PIL -> P5 effort?
 yep, sort of
 i'm thinking in a diff direction now, and not writing code at the moment
 wow, a hacker who stops and thinks
 next, you're going to tell me that you're writing down a design or something!

Allison resumed journaling today, this time talking about the relationship between TPF and Pugs. I'm very happy to see the Perl 6 process getting more visibility; leo's journal is really helpful, and I heard that luqui will help to push cabal meeting minutes to the public, similar to how Mozilla Staff Meeting Minutes is handled. All in all, great news.

Parrot's exposure seems to picking up momentum, too: the 0.2.2 release is reported in lambda the ultimate; today John Lenz announced on p6i that Chicken Scheme starts to target Parrot.

That's it for today. See you tomorrow!

and the backronym is....?

hans on 2005-07-11T16:25:03

So what is that backronym? postmodern enlightened recursive language?

Re:and the backronym is....?

hans on 2005-07-11T16:49:15

Never mind me. Blame it on a Monday morning.

Re:and the backronym is....?

autrijus on 2005-07-12T07:48:20

Look, you got 1 of 4 correct! :)