Day 146: Post-YAPC hacking

autrijus on 2005-06-30T06:24:47

At the town hall meeting, the organizer rdice made fun of the lambdacamel table, where lwall, stevan, nothingmuch and luqui are still hacking madly, largely oblivious what happens on stage. :-)

After the town hall meeting -- I'm told that Andy mentioned Pugs and it got an ovation, but I sadly missed it -- we moved to my room to continue hacking. Stevan finished a less hacky model of Perl 6 object space in Perl 5, so I can finally start porting it to Haskell; we figured out ways to encode Pad in PIL, and nothingmuch/luqui switched to Code::Perl instead of PPI for the codegen.

We also got some really amazing people trying out Pugs: drolsky is trying to rethink his DateTime API in Pugs, and coke (of ParTcl fame) committed the long-sought message in Makefile.PL that warns OSX 10.4 users that they need a gcc_select 3.3 before running make.

chromatic and I worked for an hour to get down to the weird bug that reverts the instance attribute in in submethod BUILD (?$.x=3) { $.x=4 } to its binding value. I joked that I need to get to the bottom of this, or I'll commit seppuku -- and promptly traced it down to see that a single return will fix it, but falling through the block won't -- however I was stuck there, so I'm forced to commit seppuku.hs (to my local svk branch). Oh well, at least we hacked in useful stuff like $obj.perl. I'll get to the object alligator when I get enough sleep...

...but chromatic promptly fixed it with a two-lines patch. It turns out his original implementation runs the parameter-defaulting code after the body, so of course it broke -- but it's all good now. :-)

Showstoppers for 6.2.8:

  • needs to be precompiled -- it's too slow to load it. 10x slowdown for a new release cancels all our optimization work in the past few releases. :-/
  • Fix qualified name lookup that broken Darren's Locale::KeyedText
  • Of course, solve all the regressions... which is going quite well already.