Day 145: YAPC - We made it!

autrijus on 2005-06-28T21:38:31

If the previous journal sounds desperate, that's because it was the case... I woke up at 6am and completed only the first half of the slides; by the time I started my talk, I've still got a few missing images and broken links, not to mention lots of typos, and a bootstrap graph produced 5 minutes before the talk. But somehow, it all worked out!

Thanks to earthy, masak, iblech and other people who committed fixes and additions to the slides source. The rendered HTML is now online.

I spent much time working on #30 and #70, but I think I said what I had to say, and I'm very glad that people seem to take it in a constructive fashion. Thank to all lambdacamels for being there with me. :-)

But now I need to crash (and sadly miss the cruise). If I manage to wake up on midnight I'll update this space again...

...which I did. Ingy summoned my coding-on-the-fly-fu to write a series of tests, refactored from the most mundane Test::More style that we all take for granted, into something so absolutely amazingly concise that it's just one use line with expected input and outputs. It has to be seen to be believed (and I want that in Pugs now), so if you hate writing tests as much as I do, be sure to attend Ingy's talk on Wednesday 10:45am about Test::Base. :-)