(APW slides)

autrijus on 2005-06-13T06:26:34

Just so I don't forget...

PAR and packaging

ivorw on 2005-06-13T10:10:12

Regarding your slides "Cross-Platform Packaging and Deployment with PAR". Excellent stuff!

I will be giving a talk at YAPC::Europe entitled "Packaging Perl Applications"; PAR is one of the approaches I will present.

I would like to draw on material from your slides - suitably attributed of course.

hey, how did you make those?

markjugg on 2005-06-14T21:07:38

Nice slides.

What software did you use to help generate them? I like the effect where just one one additional line is added to create a new page.

Re:hey, how did you make those?

autrijus on 2005-06-14T22:38:46
