Day 100: OO support landed!

autrijus on 2005-05-11T00:40:09

Breaking news -- This now works in Pugs:

class Point {
    has $.x;
    has $.y;
    method show () { say "Coordinate: ($.x, $.y)" }
    method set ($x, $y) { $.x = $x; $.y = $y }

my $pt =, :y(20));
$;   # Coordinate: (10, 20)

my $pt2 = $pt.clone;
$pt.set(30, 40);
$;   # Coordinate: (30, 40)
$;  # Coordinate: (10, 20)

say(($pt ~~ Point).perl);   # bool:true
say(($pt ~~ Hash).perl);    # bool::false

Read-write accessors, alternate invocant names (e.g. method foo($self:)), automatic topicalizing etc all works, too.

Juerd reported that the slurpy context was implicitly flattening its arguments; that is clearly a Bad Thing. It's now fixed.

Larry decided to change $0 to mean the first captured match, to agree with $/[0], and avoiding massive off-by-one errors in the future. It's now implemented in Pugs -- instantly breaking lots of tests and example code -- but iblech heroically repaired them within minutes.


Ovid on 2005-05-11T01:50:33

As usual, I'm quite impressed with what you've put together. I just wish I had more time to help :/


Limbic Region on 2005-05-11T12:51:12


I too thought I couldn't possibly help the Pugs project because between paying $work and buying a house, I don't have any free time.

There are so many ways to help the Pugs project and it feels good to. Here are some ways:

1. Advocacy
2. Writing p6 tests - even simple ones
3. Porting p5 code to p6 as examples
4. Asking for a feature - sometimes people with time are just waiting for an idea
5. Documenting
6. Sharing thoughts and ideas - sometimes all you do is plant the seed, others water and care, and everyone enjoys the harvest
7. Do I need go on?



Ovid on 2005-05-11T16:14:04

Actually, I kicked off the examples/cookbook project and wrote the first few recipes. I also did a bit of work bringing up to speed and wrote the first conversion of HTML::Entities. I've definitely had my hand in, but right now, it's time that I lack, not motivation :/


Limbic Region on 2005-05-11T16:57:32

Hope I didn't offend by implying that you were making excuses. My intention was only to show that there are many ways to contribute and every tiny little bit helps.

Besides, you have 119 registered "fans" and an unknown amount of anonymous ones. Anyone looking at stuff you have written that doesn't already know about Pugs or autrijus's journal get to see my advocacy propaganda.

I also am spreading the word at the Monastery



Ovid on 2005-05-11T17:09:55

No, you didn't offend. I just didn't know if you were aware of my prior involvement.

Generally, in order for someone to offend me, they have to try :)