Day 99: Full named rules!

autrijus on 2005-05-10T20:10:52

This now works in Pugs:

    rule name { Larry | Matz | Guido }
    rule project { Perl | Ruby | Python }
    rule description {  \s does \s  }

    'Larry does Perl' ~~ //;   # true
    'Larry does Java' ~~ //;   # false

Also supported are s///, m//, //, rx//, anonymous rule{} and split.

After that, I cleaned up some 800 tests for Perl 6 rules, ran Pugs through it, discovering some segfaults in PGE along the way -- and pmichaud has fixed every one of them within five minutes. Much kudos!

Stevan continues to do huge amounts of work on Perl::MetaModel, charting a comprehensive support for Perl 6 OO reflection.

Net::IRC kept gaining new features. I have this feeling that a major Perl 6 application may appear as a IRC bot...

During bot-writing, iblech discovered that to => 3 was not parsing correctly; it's now fixed.

bsmith did lots of refactoring to split big .hs files into smaller chunks, greatly reducing compilation time and cognitive stress.

Corion made %*ENV completely work on Win32, then continues to grab even more Win32 API calls into Pugs.

Oh, and the reduce primitive was implemented, too.

There's more to summarise, but I need to (again) punt. :)