Day 94: "pugs -BParrot" runs!

autrijus on 2005-05-05T22:22:13

Pugs can now evaluate PIR via embedded Parrot, as seen on #perl6:

     $ ./pugs -e 'eval_parrot'
     autrijus: TBH, that could have been normal eval ;)
     rofl, Juerd
It can even compile Perl 6 to PIR, evaluating it in memory, as seen on #parrot:
     $ ./pugs -BParrot -e 'say "The answer is: { 7 * 6 }"'
               The answer is: 42
     autrijus: hey, great and the answer is correct

Thanks to jhorwitz for all the heavy lifting to make this possible, and for Leo's help on getting the neccessary API calls.

In unrelated news, Limbic_Region and iblech were crazy (and impatient) enough to figured out how to write genuine OO code, even before Pugs has native support for it. It all begins with Limbic_Region's cashiers.p6 example to demonstrate state() variables, but iblech escalated it by writing two working modules, Net::IRC and Algorithm::TokenBucket, in this style.

Not to be undone, and not satisfied with Pugs's builtin YAML parsing support, Limbic_Region then ported Config::Tiny over as well. Help, I'm surrounded by mad people! :)

Due to excessive turbulence of such insanity (as well as other factors), I'm too exhaused to summarize the rest of the nearly 100 changes today. So see you tomorrow...