Day 36: Many threads.

autrijus on 2005-03-08T18:57:01

Today has been a really long day. The day job part took my 7 hours. During that time, too many things happened on IRC; by the time I finished backlogging, it's time to sleep. Talk about overwhelming developments!

As a consequence to my talk with PerlChina folks, #perlchina formed -- I recruited fayland from thereinto a committer to do zh-cn localization (and more). hoowa, the perlchina leader, modestly expressed the wish to take the committer bit only after submitting some patches that "just goes in". Another helpful soul on #perl6, theorbtwo, also expressed similar wishes. Oh well, I can wait. :-)

Luqui removed the TODO flag on features that are misimplemented, instead of unimplemented. So the tree now has test failures. The current idea is to TODO them just for releases, and keep them failing inbetween releases. It is quite inconvenient, but is also motivating. We'll see if this works better than the old "TODO everything" regime.

Stevan, nothingmuch, hcchien and me figured out a way to annotate Synopses with POD markers like S<unimplemented t/op/zip.t> that allows easy grepping for test coverage on Synopses.

I also fixed building on older MakeMakers, and on Posix platforms with GHC 6.4. Also a make optimized target is added; scw claimed that the resulting pugs executable runs examples/life.p6 at 6x speed. Talking about scw, he also committed a very nice implementation for assigning to array slice today.

Darren made good on his promise and committed modules/Locale-KeyedTest, the first non-example, non-core Perl 6 module to land in Pugs. Yay! That also leads Stevan to rewrite the chunk in PA01 that deals with publishing Perl 6 modules:

Is there a CPAN for Perl 6 modules?

No. The current preferred method for submitting Perl 6/Pugs modules is to ask for a committer bit at and to add your module to the Pugs source tree under the modules/ directory. It is also helpful to include test suites with your modules as well, so we can know when they work.

However, all is not lost. If you are patient you can wait for Pugs::MakeMaker and Module::Install::Pugs to come out on CPAN. Once they are available individually on CPAN, you can begin submitting things to CPAN, because that means we've figured out the distribution problem. Of course, suggestions are always welcome.

The new Perl 6 summary is out; I think it's the longest one I've ever read. Obviously we're doing something correct. :-)

Ingy's OSCON proposal to talk about Pugs was accepted today! The talk subject is Apocalypse Now! - Perl6 is Here Today, suggested by yours truly; now I need to see if Bestian is willing to come to Portland to speak with Ingy...

Another topic on #perl6 today, aside from brief discussions about the amazing alien technology that is STM, we moved to talk about continuation-based web framework, such as Cocoon Flowscript, Seaside and autarch on 2005-03-08T20:26:45 I really, really hope that Pugs (and Perl6) do not go down the road of actually using make for module installation. How about Pugs::ModuleBuild instead?


autrijus on 2005-03-09T04:01:40

Yeah, as mentioned on #perl6 a few times, I'd really like someone versed in M::B to help us create a Pugs::Build and switch away our current Makefile.PL. Will you? :)


autarch on 2005-03-09T16:01:22

Heh, in my copious free time.