Day 34: Back home.

autrijus on 2005-03-06T17:48:10

During the final night in Beijing, we had this great idea of eating out at a "regular folk" foodplace for once, instead of eating in Proper Restaurants like before. Result: Serious and extremely painful case of diarrhea for the past 24 hours :-/. I can barely lift a finger now, sigh.

OpenFoundry SVN is back today, so committers can resume committing as usual. rooneg, the "practical subversion" guy, joined us as our 19th committer today, followed soon by lucs as the 20th. Welcome aboard, folks!

On p6c, Darren Duncan raised some excellent questions about porting Perl5 modules to Perl6, and Stevan offered excellent answers. The 4th question, about how to publish Perl 6 modules to other people, incited spirited discussions on #perl6; the current consensus is ingy's proposal, which amounts to not using CPAN for the time being, and hand out committer bits for everyone who'd like to commit Perl 6 modules into ext/. This will likely buy us a couple months of time, and has less interference than the Perl6-lib-* (or the shorter p6-*) prefix idea in PA01. I'll update PA01 accordingly after some more discussions on this topic.

Today also saw a whole slew of commits, now I finally have respectable bandwidth:

  • Buliding with Perl 5.6.x and GHC 6.4 on Win32 works again.
  • ->(){...} and ->{...} are now distinguished.
  • scalar and list primitives; require now reports errors correctly.
  • Magical $a++ when $a is a string should not return a numified form.
  • The int primitive now properly truncates, instead of rounds, the operand.
  • Array and hashes inside qq strings now won't interpolate without brackets, as specced in S02.
  • $! is now set after an eval call.
  • Huge number of new todo tests, mostly committed by luqui when I was travelling. Thanks, luke!

Now to slurp some more pain-killers and hopefully sleep...