Day 26: Preflight, Builtins, Kwid

autrijus on 2005-02-26T18:13:14

Today I was caught up in $day_job and various preflight errands, which left me little time for Pugs and SVK release engineering. However, smpeters has been quietly doing much of the releng work for me, so I still hope to get it released tomorrow noon, perhaps when I'm waiting for boarding in the CKS airport.

Ingy graced us with his Kwid format, which is intended to be a drop-in replacement for POD, using Wiki syntax. When I was preparing PA01, the lack of labelled hyperlinks prevented me from turning it into POD, so Kwid is a welcome alternative solution.

Building on his work of yesterday, luqui finished double-quoted string interpolation, so "Hello, $world" now works, as does closure interpolation: "2 + 2 = { 2+2 }".

Also, building on Patrick's previous work, luqui has started writing out complete signatures for all primitives implemented in Pugs. We will eventually switch to generate the whole primitive/precedence table from parse that file, so volunteers are welcome to keep that list complete, clean and sane!

Finally, during a discussion the pattern matching and pattern guards features of Haskell, wolverian and me both think it will be cool to have something like that in Perl 6, maybe building on the smart matching ~~ operator. I encouraged wolverian to summarize those ideas into a p6l post; let's hope it will provoke some constructive discussions.

Oh, and we have a channel log page now; much thanks to feb's help!