Day 24: An amazing team

autrijus on 2005-02-24T21:36:09

Today there has been 32 commits in the repository, but only 5 were mine. bsmith, Stevan, smpeters, along with two new committers nnunley and duff, has implemented many things among themselves:

  • receives skip(), plan(), fail(), todo_fail() and pass(); those functions were subsequently refactored to avoid duplicate code.
  • Lots of unit tests has been converted to use
  • James Mastros submitted a helpful patch to show svn patchlevel as part of Pugs version string.
  • New and improved tests for various language features, including multidimensional arrays, push() and more.
  • New examples: fisher-yates shuffle and send+more=money solver.
  • Support for while/until loops.
  • The int() primitive.
  • Imported synopses as t/Synopsis/* as a beginning to POD-based acceptance tests.

In other news, Pugs was mentioned on The Haskell Sequence today. Indeed, I have noted that a significant part of questions asked in #haskell are from camelfolks. Conversely, we saw a large influx from lambdafolks to #perl6 as well. Lots of knowledge transfer is happening, which makes me really happy.

So, I have finally sorted out most of the non-technical questions from the large question list, and produced a draft version of Pugs Apocryphon 1. It needs more work (especially on the two paragraphs about Apocalypses and Synopses), but it is a start.

I'll merge the mess that is the technical-oriented questions tomorrow. Please Feel free to submit more questions, or comment on the draft above. Enjoy!

Monads in Perl

Greg Buchholz on 2005-02-25T21:06:01

If there are a lot of new people coming to Haskell from Perl, they might find my Monads in Perls tutorial helpful. There's also an example of monadic parser combinators (in perl). Heck, might as well plug my perlmonks node about infinite lazy lists (also in perl, of course) as long as we're at it.

Re:Monads in Perl

autrijus on 2005-02-25T21:26:02

Whoa, Parsec in Perl5! You are truly an amazing soul. :-) Hmm, I wonder if we can redo Perl6::Rules by translating Rules to Parsec primitives (which is part of what Pugs is going to do), and then translate it to your monad parser. Sounds sick...