Day 3: ITypes and VTypes

autrijus on 2005-02-03T21:34:00

Day 3 of Pugs has been fruitful. Talked $client into supporting Pugs development (not so much funding, mostly as early adopters and testers), so their Java/Perl5 folks can use Perl6 to script Haskell libraries (OpenAFP, HsCairo, etc.), as Perl6 is easier to learn than Haskell.

In other news, I ported the GHC4-era code of Compiler Toolkit into modern GHC6.2 and checked it in. The State/Error management problem is thus solved; I may also use its Namespace/Graph facilities when it is time to implement them.

Thanks to kind folks on P6L, my inquiry of VType behaviour has been clarified enough so I can put up a minimally workable AST.hs; once some corner cases (most notably the "punning" of 'Array') are clarified, coming up with correctly-typed reduction should be straightforward.

Lesson learned today: Don't persume that Apocalypses are as outdated as Exegeses; they are as up-to-date as Synopses, and ignoring them is certain doom for an implementor.