Complete lack of focus

autarch on 2002-06-24T18:39:08

Ugh, I have this neurotic thing about travelling.

I _like_ going to new places (or places I've been to before), really. About 2 years ago I went to Taiwan and Hong Kong for the first time ever and I had a really great time being in such a different place. I enjoyed last year's YAPC and OSCON.

But the thing I can't deal with is the processing of getting there. I'm not at all afraid of flying, it's simply that I only like _being_ somewhere, not _getting_ there.

Add into this the fact that I'm flying from one stormy area (Minneapolis) to another (St. Louis) and that there could be delays, cancellations, etc., and my stomach is one big f*cking knot of tension.

This is all really dumb, since even if the flight gets cancelled and I have to go on Wednesday morning, its not some sort of horrible Shakespearean tragedy (though I'd probably not be able to give one of my talks!).

Unfortunately, my intellect is powerless in the face of my neuroses.

Oh yeah, and I'm preparing for another (5 week) trip to Taiwan from Aug through the first week of September. Another thing to stress about. Must get tickets, visa, etc. ARGH!!

I love travelling

jdavidb on 2002-06-24T19:14:05

I'm exactly the opposite. I love travelling. It's the only time I ever have when I'm peaceful for several straight hours with no pressing concerns or deadlines. I've been reading books on roadtrips since I was real little, and as a teenager I remember my dad practically screaming at me to look at the scenary for a change.

I love being en route.

Re:I love travelling

vek on 2002-06-24T20:17:07

Yep, can't really say the actual "getting there" bit bothers me either. I like to pass the time catching up with magazines & doing a spot of video gaming thanks to my (rather excellent) Game Boy Advance :-)