autarch on 2002-06-07T18:06:51

It amazes me how many misspelled job postings we get.

None of the posters seem to proof their submission. They're filled with misspellings, horrible grammar, misused punctuation, incorrect capitalization, etc. Frankly, when I see a job posting like that it's quite a turn off. Yes, I know this is an employer's economy, but at least a minimal amount of effort is nice.

Employers and employees

ziggy on 2002-06-07T19:32:36

The pendulum may be favoring employers at the moment, but that's no reason to slack off.

I've heard the candidate pool as a competition between companies: the employer that is better able to attract quality talent in the appropriate quantity is better able to succeed where competitors fail. Paul Graham is the most recent thinker to espouse these ideas, but I know they go back a ways (I've seen cites back to the 70s, with one at my fingertips at the moment).