Woah! tech review

autarch on 2002-05-22T04:01:32

The tech reviewer comments are coming in.

Fortunately, the overall tone seems to suggest that we actually have a pretty decent book here, which is good.

But there are _so_ many comments to respond too! My head is going to explode. And David Wheeler easily wrote as much commentary as the other three reviews combined!


Actually, it's great to get such a volume of commentary, cause it'll make for a better book. But it sure is a lot to read through. And to a certain degree I'm dreading the work. OTOH, it's the last hill to climb before actual publication, and then I can relax and enjoy the fabulous wealth that will soon be mean.

Ah yeah.

Man's Search for Mean-ing

chromatic on 2002-05-22T05:14:03

By mean, did you mean miserly, stingy or perhaps paltry? Otherwise, you're inadvertently accurate. :)

Re:Man's Search for Mean-ing

autarch on 2002-05-22T15:32:36

Actually, I meant to say mine, but that was a Freudian typo perhaps.

Yep, mean is probably the right word after all ;)