Frozen Perl Preliminary Schedule and Registration

autarch on 2007-11-13T05:26:37

We've published a preliminary schedule for the Frozen Perl workshop. I think the schedule looks great, and I'm quite excited about it.

A few days before our call for speakers ended, I was feeling a bit panicked that we wouldn't have enough talks, so I harassed everyone I could to submit talks. We ended up with way more submissions than we could schedule, which is great for us, but I feel a bit guilty now.

I've also opened up registration for the workshop. The early-bird rate is $10 for students and $20 for everyone else. That rate will double on January 12. To register for the conference, you must first log in to an existing conference account (from YAPC 2007, for example), or create a new account. Once you are logged in you can pay for the conference online.