
autarch on 2007-09-10T05:07:09

Johan Lindström is attempting to bring the cool whizbang features of IDEs to Perl developers using Emacs or Vim. I've been following along with the development releases as he's been going, and it's a pretty cool tool. The big feature for me is the ability to move my cursor to a Perl class name, then hit "C-p C-g", and PerlySense figures out where the associated file is and opens it for me. This is very cool when I want to look at the source of something I've installed via CPAN, for example.

You can also use "C-p C-d" to bring up the docs for a module, which I've not quite gotten as into, but I can see it being useful. It's also got some other key strokes, as well as its own major mode to facilitate browsing Perl code, which seems interesting, though I'm not sure if I can see myself using it much.

Anyway, if you use Emacs you should check it out right now. I don't think there are vim bindings, but a lot of the functionality is provided via a standalone script, so hooking that into vim probably wouldn't be too hard.