Too interesting day

autarch on 2002-03-07T06:58:25

So earlier today I found that one of my mother's good friends had killed himself last week.

His partner of twenty years was killed by falling debris on 9/11. Later, he lost his apartment (his partner made more money) and then for some reason lost his job (he worked near the WTC so that may be the explanation).

And to top things off, his partner's mother (with whom he had had good relations before) brought a lawsuit against him about the estate.

I didn't know this guy well at all, I just met him once, but he was a loud, very lively, flaming, fun guy. Imagining how much sadness he must have felt in order to kill himself is horrible. Plus I know my mother was very upset when his partner died, and now to have this is just awful.

Then I did some work on my current contract, as well as some stuff for the Mason core and the book.

I was pretty damn depressed by dinner but then later my wife and I went to a scuzzy bar to see an delightful Welsh band that I had wanted to see live for a while.

That cheered me up, especially the song "Poodle Rockin'", which starts with the lead singer barking.

So now I'm up late at night typing this and I still feel pretty sad but not quite as bad as before. That's nice, I guess.