
autarch on 2002-02-19T21:40:35

I just finished the biggest chapter of the book (about 120-140% bigger than any other when you leave out the code samples, I'd guess. Twice as big with them in).

All that leaves is for Ken to finish the damn appendices. If you're reading this, Ken, stop reading it an finish the damn appendices!

Then its off to ORA for editing & technical editing. Hopefully without too much more delay it will be published and available a local independent bookseller near you!

That will be so damn cool. I'm pretty excited! So I have to use lots of exclamation marks!


Theory on 2002-02-19T21:57:18

So I guess I should get to work on the Bricolage stuff in Chapter 11, too, eh? Good thing I have no work right now -- I'm too damn busy with all the other stuff I have to do!


autarch on 2002-02-19T22:24:11

Yes, that would be good.

No work does help. I lost my job 4 weeks ago and the for the last 2.5 weeks or so I've pretty much worked on the book every single day, writing the sample web site and the monster chapter which covers it during that time.

Done? HA HA HA

chromatic on 2002-02-19T22:23:32

Appendices take quite a while. Editing takes forever. I had to go 400 miles away to *see* a copy of my book.

Of course, the production editor just found out I haven't received any yet, so there's hope. You're not done by a long shot, though. :)

Re:Done? HA HA HA

autarch on 2002-02-19T22:30:00

Well, 1.5 out of 3 appendices are done (although I was considering adding one more very short one). But the 1.5 that aren't done really aren't too bad.

Anyway, the important thing is I'm done with the parents I'm supposed to write. Now my co-author has to finish his parts.

call them anyway

jmm on 2002-02-20T14:41:16

Anyway, the important thing is I'm done with the parents I'm supposed to write.

Finishing your portion of the book should give you more time to write your parents. Cute typo.

Re:call them anyway

autarch on 2002-02-20T16:00:31

Wow, working on this book has completely melted my brain, apparently!

FWIW, I just talked to my a parents a few days back.